Wednesday, May 9, 2012

And Not in This wet suit

     Last weekend was a bank holiday and as it coincided with my husband's every other Friday off work, it gave us a four day weekend so off we went.  This time, we went to Sardinia.  It's a pretty big island so we rented a car.  Our original intent was to scuba dive for a day and if we liked it and there was lots to see, we'd do a second day.  So we had made arrangements to stay on the north end of the island where there were several dive shops.  We flew into Olbia and then got our little Fiat Panda and drove up with hilly, twisty, winding road.  Speed limits were around 55 mph but I don't see how anyone could keep up that speed as it was up and down and back and forth and around and around!  We did finally make it to our hotel though and then walked into town to check out the dive shop.

     My husband and I are definitely fair weather divers.  We don't like the cold and we don't like currents but we do love to dive.  They had warned us it would be cold but said they could outfit us without a problem.  We found the shop and they gave us some wet suits to try.  I don't think I've ever seen a wet suit this thick!  I don't think I even knew they made them this thick.  OMG.  AND since I don't normally wear a wet suit, I was in the bathroom struggling and struggling to put it on backwards!    Double OMG.  realized my mistake and by that time, I was exhausted but peeled it off and turned it around and realized  it wasn't going to fit anyway.  Called in my hubby to help me peel it off the parts I had gotten it over and we got another one to try.

     Again, struggling and struggling.  The material of the wet suit if very unyielding and my arthritic hands are just not having a lot of luck pulling this up over the "puffier" parts of my body.  squirming and jumping and pulling and stomping and shaking and twisting and sweating, sweating, sweating.  I am such a fair weather diver and when my husbands tells me that they are going to give us yet ANOTHER shorty wet suit to wear over this longer one, I suddenly lost all desire to dive this week.  Reverse procedure and start pulling it all off and struggling to get out and then putting on my clothes over my sweating tired body and telling them that we might just have to come back when the water is much warmer and when is that by the way?  So best laid plans and all.  No diving this weekend but the photos were wonderful that we saw and there apparently are fish to see and things to do while diving in the Mediterranean so we will have to give it a go sometime.  Just now with a 9mm wetsuit plus shorty on top.  Not sure it will ever get warm enough for us but we'll keep an eye on the temps and try.

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